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Hue Grooves  ColorSoundMusic Service


Hue Grooves employs a unique approach to environmental sensory enhancement, replication and alteration through music that combines the dynamic elements of color theory with the power and principals of music theory, to create captivating and distinctive compositions on the bass and all other instruments. This unprecedented fusion of art forms not only allows for a more immersive and impactful audio experience but also ensures that the resulting music resonates deeply with the target audience.


Here is what you can expect we will discuss when you contact us using this email: Then we will personalize your experience in using the Hue Grooves  ColorSoundMusic Service. 


Step one. Take a photo of the desired location that you have chosen to have ColorSound music replicate. What colors in the photo are most important to you?

For Example in the photo, you may have brown, gold, white, black, pink, and silver.


Step two.

What genre of music:? R&B, Hip Hop, Rock, etc.

What mood?: Soulful, Happy, etc.

What purpose?: Romance, Dance, etc.,

What Tempo?: Medium, Fast, etc.   

Popular song reference?: "Hold On I'm Coming," etc.                                                     

Step 3. Send the answers, and photo to and we will establish a dialogue; agree on a length of time which can be looped; bring it to life with all of that in mind, and you can implement and activate it using your existing technology.    


The above is what you can expect we will discuss when you contact us using this email: Then we will personalize your experience in using the Hue Grooves  ColorSoundMusic Service. 


If you want to get a feel on your own for what this service can deliver, click to PLAY THE GAME

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